HSBC is going through a significant crisis

HSBC is going through a significant crisis


HSBC is going through a significant crisis


HSBC is going through a significant crisis, the deals he made in the recent period led to internal damage that caused the bank’s largest shareholders,
now call for division, as it did not stop making deals, despite this and continued to acquire in the same way.



HSBC Holdings
Expansion in Asia
The effect of the global network on China






HSBC Holdings


HSBC is going through a significant crisis, an unknown person from inside the bank who does not want to disclose his abyss indicates that further exits are also expected,
but are likely to be matched by the purchase of Kong, where the company said it believes the plan will have broad shareholder support.

HSBC Holdings, based today in London, was founded by Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in 1991 as a collective holding company.

Interestingly, the name HSBC is derived from the initials of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking,
the founding member of HSBC and we did not expect it to reach that limit on internal problems now.


As the bank is considering selling its arm in Canada for up to 10 billion US dollars,
it is clear that it will not stop its sales and complete its plan in Canada and elsewhere last summer,
Bloomberg published a report on plans for an initial public offering of HSBC operations in Indonesia,
and the possibility of selling its units in Oman and Russia,
where investors demanded that Oman distribute its cash dividends earlier.



Expansion in Asia


HSBC Bank announced two years ago the purchase of an Indian asset management company and a Singaporean insurance company.
The bank’s sales outlook may seem part of long-term efforts,
as is the aspiring view of increasing its share of the joint venture to trade securities in China,
so the rest is not humiliated, reaching 50% of HSBC Life Insurance Company.


Analyst Edward Firth pointed out Bing’s progress,
saying that selling successful parts of the chain now indicates the value of the global franchise they are making while remaining a theory rather than a fact.






The effect of the global network on China


The value of the bank’s comprehensive global network is a burden on Chinese insurance companies with their profitable activity in Asia,
where they also seek to separate themselves altogether from the rest of the bank’s branches.


The bank is trying to regain its appetite for the acquisitions it lost during the 2008 crisis,
as we did not see the significant change caused by those deals on the size and scope of the business as an island change.
The bank’s financial manager Ian Stevenson mentioned not making big deals at the moment.
He added that 20 years ago he did many things even though they did not create.