“Google” rejects Trump’s social networking platform

“Google” rejects Trump’s social networking platform

“Google” rejects Trump’s social networking platform
“Facebook” fails to compete with “Amazon Twitch”.
“And Snapchat” lays off 20% of its employees.








Google rejects Donald Trump’s social media platform

So far, former US President Donald Trump’s social media platform
has not received approval to add it to the app store,
and this was due to insufficient supervision of content,
which includes physical threats and incitement to violence.


Truth Social is still late to launch, while it allowed the Apple App Store last February,
but the platform seeks to add it to the Google Play
Store because it accounts for 40% of users for Android.




Snap seeks to lay off 20% of its workforce to reduce cost

In Snap’s plan, which aims to reduce high costs in conditions of global economic conditions,
the company seeks to lay off about 20% of the workforce,
which reached 6,000 employees according to the latest statistics.

Reports indicate that the decision will be implemented next Wednesday,
and despite this decision,
the company will be directly affected at the level of some departments more frequently than others,
especially the developer methods section to design applications
and mini-games within the Snapchat application.

This decision also affected the Zenli app dedicated to sharing the site between friends,
which Snap acquired in 2017.

This decision was previously announced last May,
and the company seeks to slow down the recruitment processes.




Facebook ‘fails to compete with Amazon Twitch’

Facebook-owned Meta has launched a dedicated game streaming app called Facebook Gaming,
which allows users to download and watch video games,
but the app could not compete against the gaming app Amazon Twitch.


Facebook sent a message to its users through the Amazon Twitch application:
“We want to express our sincere thanks to all of you for everything you have done to build
a prosperous community for players and fans since the launch of this application for the first time.


Facebook is the second company after Microsoft, which failed in 2020 to compete with the Amazon Twitch application, which accounts for 76% of the market,
while Facebook accounted for only 7.9% of the share of views.











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